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How to make a line break inside a cell in OpenOffice Calc

You can transfer text to another line by pressing the keyboard shortcut "Alt + Enter" and limit yourself to this.

To transfer formulas, you can use the "char" function, which converts a number into a symbol. The line break character corresponds to the character with the number 10, so to move the formulas to the next line, you need to insert &char(10)& between the two working formulas. Since "char(10)" is also a formula, the ampersand (&) sign before and after "char(10)" is mandatory and means that several working formulas are used in one cell.

If it is necessary to transfer the formula and the text, then the instruction is used: =formula&char(10)&"any text". The text must be enclosed in quotation marks, which should be straight ("), not curly.

If it is necessary to transfer the text and formula, then the instruction is used: ="any text"&char(10)&formula. Similarly (as in the previous case), the text must be enclosed in quotation marks.

If it is necessary to transfer the formula and the formula, then the instruction is used: =formula&char(10)&formula.

OpenOffice Calc is an analogue of Microsoft Excel included in any Microsoft Office suite.

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