By purchasing a key for Windows, can I upgrade my version of Windows?
Yes, you can. The key is being verified and you will be able to use a full, clean and activated system.
Can I use the received key for Windows or Office on more than one PC?
No. In this case, the key may be blocked and cannot be replaced. An exception may be multi-user keys for Microsoft products. For such keys, we control their number of sales.
Purchase guarantee
If you received a non-functional key or it has lost its validity (provided that you have not violated the rules of use). Contact technical support to replace the key.
Key expiration date
If you purchase digital activation codes for Windows, they do not expire. For the "Antivirus" category, there is a certain period of time during which the key is valid. After this time, you need to re-purchase a new activation key.
Where to download the distribution
Some programs may be limited for downloading from official portals and developer sites, depending on the version of the products. We provide links to official distributions, if possible. In other cases, we use alternative links to the original distributions to download the product.
In which countries can your activation keys be used?
The card of each product indicates whether it has a regional reference.
Some license keys are region-specific and can only be activated in the specified countries. Be careful and read all the information on the product you have chosen. If in doubt, please write to support, and you will be promptly answered.