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Windows Activation Errors: Causes and Solutions

First of all, for any error, run the troubleshooter. Go to Windows Settings (key combination Win + I), section "Update and Security", tab "Activation". Here we select the item "Troubleshooting".

On updated builds of Windows, there is no such item. At least on our Windows 10 (1803) Professional, we did not find this tool. An alternative option is to contact Microsoft Support by clicking on the "Get Help" link.

An application will open where you can describe your problem and get a solution in the technical support chat.


  • Reasons why you can't activate Windows 10
  • Invalid device (0xC004F211)
  • Version Mismatch (0xC004F212)
  • Activation key not found (0x803f7001)
  • Activation key is invalid (0x800704Cf)
  • Issue with updates (0xC004C060, 0xC004F004, 0xC004B001, etc.)
  • Internet connection or firewall problems (0xC004FC03)
  • Reactivation (0xC004E028)
  • The activation server is unavailable (0xC004C013, 0xD0000272, etc.)
  • Wrong device (0x803FA071, 0xC004C008, 0xC004C770)
  • Date and time (0x80072F8F)
  • System file corruption (0xC004E003)

There are many options why the OS does not want to be activated: from replacing the device on the computer to the wrong date. The problem is usually accompanied by an error - with a description and code.

Here are a few common errors and how to fix them.

Invalid device (0xC004F211)

The error is related to the replacement of the device on the computer. This concerns, first of all, digital license holders. It is tied to the computer as a whole, so when you replace a device (most often the motherboard), the operating system no longer sees the license.

Read more about the digital license in our short article.

If the computer was not tied to a digital license, but simply entered an activation key, the solution is simple - click in the "Change product key" settings. Otherwise, if the PC was associated with a digital signature, you will have to purchase a new license.

Although the developers suggest adding a new device to the exception. This is possible in your Microsoft account settings.

The same actions must be taken when activation error 0xC004F213 is encountered. The description of the error usually says that the system could not find the product key.

Version Mismatch (0xC004F212)

The error occurs when you have selected the wrong version for activation. A digital license is tied to a specific OS version (just like an activation key). If you bought Windows 10 Home and then installed Professional and want to activate it, nothing will work.

The option is obvious - install the version for which the license was purchased. Also, don't forget the Microsoft Troubleshooter and Support Tool. Possible error options when the wrong version is activated are 0xC004F210, 0xC004F034, 0xC004E016, 0xC004F210.

Error 0xC004F00F occurs in a specific case: a key intended for the corporate version of the OS is entered to activate the Home or Pro version. Other error options: 0x8007007B, 0x8007232B, 0xC004F038, 0xC004F074. The last four errors also occur in cases where there is no access to the working network.

Activation key not found (0x803f7001)

The problem combines the faults listed above. The error indicates that the OS did not find activation on Windows 10. This can happen if:

changed equipment;

the wrong version is installed;

Windows installed for the first time;

problem with preset

In the first two cases, proceed as described in the previous sections. If the OS is installed on the computer for the first time, just enter the activation key in the settings. If you bought a computer (more often a laptop) with an operating system already installed, there may be a manufacturer's error here - he did not include the activation key in the PC.

The latter rarely happens, but if so, contact your computer manufacturer.

Activation key is invalid (0x800704Cf)

The error appears when an invalid activation key is entered. Check if the 25-character key is entered correctly. Try to enter it again and activate the OS. Also, the cause of the error may be the replacement of the device on the computer. In this case, use the tips above. The same applies to errors 0xC004C003, 0xC004F034.

Issue with updates (0xC004C060, 0xC004F004, 0xC004B001, etc.)

This series of errors most often occurs when Windows 10 cannot be activated after updates. There may also be errors 0xC004F005, 0x803FA067L, 0xC004F050, 0xC004C00F, and so on.

There are two options here: upgrading to the "tens" from earlier versions of the OS ("seven" or "eight") or updating Windows 10 directly to a newer assembly. Usually the activation process is automatic, but the Microsoft activation servers may be busy.

Try to wait a while. Otherwise, contact Microsoft Technical Support.

Internet connection or firewall problems (0xC004FC03)

OS is activated automatically

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