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Step-by-step installation of windows 10 with iso

To install Windows 10, you will first need the Media Creation Tool utility. With it, you will create a bootable DVD, flash drive or ISO image.

Creating a bootable drive

  • Download it from the Microsoft website. The installation drive created using the utility can be used even if there is no Internet access. A network connection is required to download the utility and the system.
  • Run the program. To continue, you will need to agree to the terms of use.
  • Select "Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD or ISO file)". Click on the "Next" button.
  • Choose the language of the system and its architecture: 32-bit or 64-bit. If the amount of RAM is 4 GB or more, choose x64, with a smaller amount – x32. "Next."
  • The next screen prompts you to immediately create a bootable USB media or ISO image. You can burn it to a DVD or a flash drive.
  • In the first option, you will be asked to select a drive connected to your computer, the capacity of which should be at least eight gigabytes. In the second, specify the location on the hard disk or solid—state drive where the ISO file will be located.
  • Next, the screen shows you the progress of the system boot process. And it can last quite a long time, since the volume of Windows 10 is more than four gigabytes.
  • The next step starts the creation of the media. During this action, the data is placed on a flash drive or an ISO image is formed.

System Installation

  • Insert the installation flash drive into the USB port of the computer. If a DVD is used, it must be placed in an optical drive. After restarting the computer, switch to UEFI or BIOS as provided in your model. In the list of device media, change the boot priority so that the drive you created is in the first place.
  • The computer starts from the boot drive. The first action of the system installation tool will prompt you to determine the language, currency format and priority keyboard layout. Click "Next".
  • Click on the "Install" button.
  • Enter the system activation key. If you don't have it at the moment, select "I don't have an activation key". You can activate the system later.
  • You will be offered a choice of system versions to install. Among them: Home, Home for one language, for educational institutions, Pro (basic, for educational institutions and for workstations).
  • I will consider the example of installing Windows 10 Pro. "Next."
  • You will be asked to read the license agreement and accept its terms.
  • You will be able to continue the installation only after you confirm your consent by putting a "bird" in front of the inscription "I accept the terms of the license". "Next."
  • You will see a list of two items. If you already have Windows installed, you can choose "Update: Install Windows with saving files, settings and applications". In this case, your files and software will be transferred to the new system.
  • "Selective: Windows installation only (for advanced users)". I will consider this option, in which your data, parameters and programs will not be saved. Before doing this, I recommend once again to remember whether all the important information for you is stored on an additional medium. If you are sure that the necessary files are saved, click on this item.
  • A section management tool will appear on the screen. You can choose one of the available disks to install the system, create a new one, delete, format an existing one (which leads to the loss of all data on it) or expand the virtual disk. The actual volume of physical media cannot be increased programmatically. "Next."
  • The installation process starts, which includes copying the system files, preparing them for installation, as well as installing components and updates. It will take a long time, which largely depends on the performance of your computer. Owners of old and weak cars will have to be patient. During the installation, the screen will display the degree of completion of each process (as a percentage).
  • After completing all the processes that are necessary for the installation of the system, the computer will be automatically restarted. After that, the system setup will begin, which consists in starting the components and preparing it for the first turn on. It will also take a lot of time.

Important settings before the first launch of Windows 10

  • Select a region and confirm by clicking "Yes".
  • First of all, select an additional keyboard layout. There is no need to add English, it is provided by default. Click Yes.
  • The next step is to install the components necessary for the system. Here you don't have to do anything, just wait for a while.
  • After that, you will be asked to find out what's new in Windows.
  • On the Setup method definition screen, select "For personal use". Click "Next".
  • You can log in to your Microsoft account using your email, phone number, or Skype login. I will consider the option of using a local (offline) account.
  • Select "Offline account" – "Next".
  • Logging in with an account will give you access to Microsoft services. But we use a local account, so click "No".
  • Enter the user name. "Next."
  • Create a password. At the same time, take care to keep it securely, not to forget and not to lose it. It is important that it is not accessible to anyone but you. "Next."
  • On the next screen, you will be asked to enable Microsoft to send your activity log. This allows you to continue on another device the work started on this computer. If you do not want to send this data, click "No".
  • On the Privacy settings screen, you can enable or disable voice recognition on the network, device search, location detection and sending diagnostic data. If you don't want to share this information, turn the switches to the "No" position. I always disable all items. Confirm the settings by pressing the on-screen "Accept" button.
  • If the system installation process and its initial setup were successful, the welcome screen will open in front of you first..
  • ...and then the OS desktop.
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